Sunday, June 25, 2006

His name is Reo and he dances in the sand...

So, today has been an interesting day, to say the least. Courtney and I went to SF Pride, which was fun...lot's of gay people in one place. It's nice to see what the community really is, you know, instead of the Stanford Bubble's exceedingly exclusive community. I had an interesting realization, though, when I was there. It was like a real, actual, realization that I am part of this community, you know, that I don't have to act it or dress it or talk it or look it, but, deep down, I am it. Just like everyone else there. Ok, well, it's idealistic and naive, maybe, of me to say that...but it's true. I've never really felt like I fit into the community, mostly because I'm so so so so so so so focused on being an individual and never being a stereotype. But in the end, stereotypes are really just a first step to finding your individuality and identity...right?

So yeah, that was fun. Enlightening, if you will. I'm glad, I think, to say that I belong to a sexual minority, because it just makes life so much...I don't know, something. You get a better perspective on everything, a more open mind, and so on.

In any case, just got done watching Latter Days, the movie about the gay mormon missionary. If you haven't seen it, you really should check it out. It's a great sappy gay love story...and equally as corny as the description I just provided sound. SO GOOD! I wish I could meet a gay mormon. Yeah, not gonna happen. But I like the whole everything-is-interconnected/ God-is-sending-you-messages-in-everything/ fate-is-leading-you-to-your-destiny message the movie had. I know it's cheesy, but sometimes, I really just want to buy into that bull. Just believe that everything I do, every thing I believe, everything I see, every choice I make is leading me to one place...which is the love of my life. I'm such a hopeless romantic sometimes.

Alright, so, concluding remarks: pride is fun if your gay/lesbian/trans/queer, more fun if you are already part of the community (or have a boyfriend/date/whatever); the enlightenment is coming, just wait; and the LDS community is a huge, untapped pool of gay men. Oh, and, my name is Reo and I'm dancing in the sand, just like that river twisting through a dusty land...

Friday, June 23, 2006

The Unbearable Hotness of Being (my apologies to Kundera)

It is soooo incessantly hot. It's been, like, the first two days of summer, and, well, summer's here with a bang. I can't stand the heat, it just makes me want to go home and lie around in my underwear, but, of course, that's not always easy, especially when you're working the 9-5.

In any case, if anyone knows where the AC is, or how to replace scorching heat with sleet, snow, and rain, let me know. Whoever came up with the concept of summer, well, let's just say they didn't have their thinking cap on when they made it.

Sun, sun go away
Come again some other day...or never.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Working Man

So, I started work today. It was a great time. I have a commute! And an apartment! And a credit card! And I'm buying my own laptop, with my own money! And...well, that's about it. But, you know, working man style.

I've moved into the apartment in Mirrielees, with my three roommates (one of which is not here) - Adrian, John, and Eric, and our temporary guest - Abel. It's good times, we had home-cooked burgers for dinner tonight. Which might sound bad, but consider our dinner last night guessed it! PIZZA! We are real college students now.

Anyway, then this morning, at the UNGODLY hour of 7:00AM I got up, to get ready for my morning commute. I was out the door around 8, and, thanks to their being no traffic (and the really annoying and boring shows that plague so many radio stations) I was there in about 35 minutes. Which is surprising, considering I felt lost for about half of the trip. But, turns out I know my way around.

Then, after working for a few hours in the morning, I went to downtown (in my proper working-man attire: an olive green dress shirt and pleated khakis) to have lunch at Round Table...yes, more pizza. But actually, I got a sandwhich. Still.

In any case, on the way home, I stopped by the supermarket, got a few things for the family (and myself) and came home. Then, a bunch of us (me, Adrian, Eric, Courtney) went and got a ton of food (well, not a ton, but still) and came back and got dinner. Then I went down the street (I'm really psyched to be able to drive around this campus) to visit Courtney (who had left one of her grocery bags behind from the earlier trip) and to watch the end of The Wedding Date with Mao! It was good times. Really, driving is the way to go on this campus. I would avoid driving only if we had an underground subway system really, which would then be just as fast. but, well, that's not gonna happen any time soon.

So, now, here I am. Staring out my window at people carrying grocery bags to their room. Damn it feels good to be a yuppy!

Sunday, June 18, 2006


This is the true story of one stranger
Picked to live abroad and have his life blogged
Find out what happens, when people stop being normal
And start being...REO!

The Reo World, Stanford 2 Paris

(Thanks to Nick for the inspiration to this entry.)