Monday, August 28, 2006

All you have to do is think one happy thought...

This whole leaving thing is really starting to catch up with me. In a way I never could have expected. I mean, I guess that's the way it always goes, you can never really expect what's going to happen, it just happens. That's not that deep, but still.

The rundown, you ask? Well, it's quite simple really. This weekend, I drank, I partied, I dined out about 5 times, and I just generally had the most amazing weekend possible, the first one I've had on campus in awhile. Probably most amazing was that Jason showed up, with Josh, Shawn and John, three of his friends, and drank a little of the exorbitant amounts of alcohol that are still lingering in this here apartment. It was amazing, especially to discover that, well, Stanford is incredibly liberal on the amount of regulation of alcohol compared to other schools. The nice thing about that is that Stanford students are honestly more responsible, because there's no one staring over their shoulder telling them alcohol can do bad things to you. No - that's something we here learn for ourselves fast enough, thank you very much. Hehe.

Anyway, after the glories and crazy latenight shenanigans of Friday night, I had a wonderful Saturday, watching two enjoyable movies. First was Brick, which somewhat confused me but was amazingly hilarious because of how surrealistic it was. And naturally great because it featured the very dreamy Joseph Gordon Levitt, who I am about 90% sure is gay. Score one for the good guys! In any case, after that, Courtney and I watched Hook, and now I really really really want to be a father. I forgot how amazing that movie was, and how perfectly childish. Hehe. I'm such a little kid sometimes. I wish I could go to Neverland, eat imaginary food, fight imaginary pirates, live life like a little kid again. Whoops.

Alright, so yeah, today I spent mostly playing SimCity 4 and watching movies on TV, but Mao, Courtney and I also had the glorious experience of Stacks for brunch. That was, well, like tasting heaven. Or something that better fits the simile. Whatever. And the 4400 was just on! Season finale baby. I feel a little, unsatisfied. But it'll keep me content until next summer.

So yeah, it's been a good weekend. Now, Courtney is packing and getting ready to leave, and I am sitting here contemplating how I'm going to get by when I get to France, and what things are going to be like in 6 months, and where we're both going to be after that time. It's weird, it's like, these past 9 months we've been almost joined at the hip like some sort of siamese twin deal, and now we're splitting up. I really do feel a little like I'm leaving my twin, and like we're going to be separated but do that weird thing twins do sometimes when they can sense the other is in trouble or sad from 10 million miles away. I don't know. In any case, I'm excited to go to France, worried I'm going to lose myself in all the rush, and ready to face whatever comes my way. God, only 18 days...then I'll be on a jetplane. Don't know when I'll get back again. Ever feel like your life is a series of song lyrics? Well, maybe it is. I guess that's not half bad.

Now it's time to go to bed, and lie awake thinking about what I would do if given the chance to have a 4400 ability, wondering if I'd ever take that risk. For the record, probably not.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

That's it! I've had it with these motherf***ing clones of these motherf***ing Vincents!

So, I don't know, in all the rush that has led me to today, I forgot to blog about the previous weekend. As in, August 18-20, also known as...the glory days. So, it is! Just pretend I'm writing as if it's Monday, and not Wednesday.

I went home this weekend. As usual, it was quite the roller coaster ride from start to finish. Now, we all know how much I love roller coasters (if we don't, then, well, how do we even call ourselves my friend? hehe, unless you've been unfortunate enough to have met me in my transitional period, a.k.a. the last year or so, in which case, it's excusable). But, well, I don't much like the metaphorical kind of roller coaster - in general.

It all started out with the stresses of (or should I say as a result of) the Stanford Financial Aid Office. Every year it seems my mother and I must bicker over the tiniest of details in the financial aid award, which is why I dread the coming of that plain white envelope at the end of every summer. As usual, my mom had some questions, I had some feelings of being treated like a child, and we worked through it. But it put a bit of a damper on my weekend, making me feel a bit more standoffish with my mother than I really should have been. What can I say? Post-teenage angst? I don't know, whatever. I am growing up, it is alleged.

So, with that in mind, I wasn't able to be as helpful as I would have liked to have been in the whole party surrounding the premiere of the glorious film Vincent Lin Must Die. If you haven't heard of it, I pity you, but some day, when Nick is a famous multi-millionaire director, many will look back into his past and find this gem of a film. (No pressure, Mr. Ochoa). So yeah, because I got to mostly sit back and enjoy the party, I feel I had a better time than I should have. But in any case, I did my best to help out, and the party went off quite charmingly, thanks to the Viano family as well as the planning efforts of Nick, Leslie, Jon and Matt. And myself, I'd like to think. And, well, the movie was just, well, unspeakably hilarious, funny beyond my wildest dreams, and - to think - the product of my friends. Really, it was amazing. If you get a chance, you should look up the preview on YouTube!, and maybe buy the DVD (when Nick gets around to it), since it'll be all the rage in only a few years.

So yeah, that was my weekend. I guess I'm going to take to writing about my weekends mostly, because, well, I think it's pretty clear what my week days are filled with. Work, some down time, and sleeping. Oh, and seeing Courtney as much as I friggin' can because, well, she's leaving this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I'm about to die. Six months in France might not be such a good idea any more. I don't know. I've committed to it, though, and, well, you may not know this about me, but once I've committed to something, it's about 99% guaranteed that I'll follow it to the end. Man, though, France will be an experience. I get all jittery just thinking about it. So, at the risk of sounding trite and goes nothing!

Only a week and a half of work left. The summer goes by way too quickly.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Musings on Santa Rosa, and friends...

This weekend was amazing! Based on a decision made about a week ago, I drove up to Santa Rosa, to visit my bestest friend of eternity, Melissa. Some of you readers (I kid myself to think that there are more than, like, 3 people who read this) may have heard of her, and of our friendship that has endured 16 years, a moving away, another moving, college, different schools, and the virtually insurmountable obstacle to childhood friendships that is adolescence. As you can tell, we are quite good friends, and, well, what's great about it is that distances don't really matter, because you just get us together and it's like old times again.

In any case, rediscovering my past like that has lead me to the revelation that all of my friends are such amazing people! I mean, I don't mean to brag, but, let's be honest, my friends are better than yours. (Damn right, they're better than yours. I could teach you, but I'd have to charge.) I mean, take for example the fact that I'm going through all sorts of changes to do with this whole maturing thing, including coming out and a variety of other things. Have I lost a single friend in all the changes? Well, the correct answer, dear reader, would be, no! I have not. And frankly, to have a group of friends that is that amazing is just, well, it's overwhelming. Sometimes it's just whelming, but most of the time, it's overwhelming.

In any case, Santa Rosa is an amazing place. If you've never been, you should definitely check it out. It's like the place where all the hippies went to raise their kids, and for that reason it is, essentially, spectacular! Really laid-back and easy going, like what San Francisco wanted to be before it got all big-city and business-y. So yeah, I had another spectacular weekend. Each one seems to be striving to outdo and outperform the last. I mean, I have trouble believing that I could possibly have a better weekend than this one. But then again, next weekend is THE BIG PARTY!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!!!! WOOOOO!!!!! Alright, yes, well, this is where I leave to go to bed. Goodnight, you beautiful people.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Bohemia unleashed...or the travails of a day to myself.

I don't know if you've ever had one of these days, but if you haven't, you should certainly try it out. Sometimes it's just a great idea to have some time to yourself, to just do some self-pampering and screw the finances to hell. Lately, I've been realizing that my busy work schedule has been getting me more stressed, and thus, I determined, it was time for a day all to myself. Likewise, what a day it has been!

So, the rundown. What did I do today? I'm sure that's the question that's on your head. It's certainly on mine. In due time, my dear reader, in due time. Ok, it's due time. I started the day getting up around 10, at which time I made pancakes and watched the thoroughly entertaining if not exceedingly mind-numbing film Anaconda! Yes, that's right, the amazingly horrific (in a hilarious way) and amazingly intelligent (with undertones of idiodicy) film - nay, masterpiece! - starring the blindingly talented Jennifer Lopez (some of you may know her as J-Lo) and the dashing and talented Ice Cube. Oh, it was glorious!

In any case, if it is possible to top such a feature, I then further numbed my half-asleep brain watching the engaging film 10 Things I Hate About You, which, despite Heath Ledger's (cough) dashing (cough cough) good looks (cough - can you tell I'm being ironic? - cough), was mostly entertaining for its eye-candy (of the Joseph Gordon-Levitt variety - what, nerdy types are hot!).

Now, I'm sure you're all very engaged by my day thus far, as I was as well. In any case, at 2 PM, I decided I had already put in too much effort. So, naturally, I took a nap! It was spectacular, as I slept for an hour. Then I decided it was time to be productive, go do something, get some personal fulfillment. Well, in any case, once that was done, I went into Palo Alto!

I did some reading at the illustrious Coupa Cafe (for those of you around campus, if you've never studied there, I highly recommend it. They have free wireless!). While there, I had a cafe milano, which outed me $4.25 but was worth every cent. Presently, you may be saying - but Reo (or whatever you call me), what did you do after that? Well, good question! After two hours reading at the cafe, I decided it was time for some dinner. So, I went to another cafe - the Cafe 220 - for some Mediterranean food. It was good, you know, Cafe 220 style. Then, I decided...drumroll see LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE!

Yeah, it was the perfect way to cap off such a relaxing and me-centered day. I saw the movie while being surrounded by about 149 old and pretentious types from Palo Alto - you know, the money-donating liberal types that populate the hills and tree-lined streets around this campus - who could not stop chattering about how Robin Williams was so great in that movie - oh, what was it called - The Night something or another...ah, yes, Listener - thank you Marge! God...I just wished one of them had stopped talking about the latest expansion of the Stanford Business School or Toni Collette's breakdown scene or the differences in the novel and the movie or the amazing reviews Little Miss Sunshine was getting despite it's "horrible" trailer. Ugh. In any case, I showed them! I promptly bought a ticket and caught them all off guard as I sat in a seat in the corner. Right. Yeah. Nobody noticed, but oh well. I had a good time, a few laughs, and clearly made the woman sitting next to me uneasy by virtue of my being there. Sometimes I really just feel like the young bohemian I'm sure to become in Europe.

In any case, that was my glorious day. Did some thinking, did some reading, did some soul searching, and felt independent. Sometimes it's great to just have a day to yourself - to do things you want to do, and to know that you are perfectly capable of eating alone in a restaurant or sitting alone in a movie theatre. I think I'm ready to face another work week, finally.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Random Sense of Foreboding

I don't think Paris will be all I hope for it to be. It will be different, not spectacular, not unspectacular. Amazing just the same. I'll be there for six whole months! I mean, once the splendor and awe of first arrival wears off, what will it be like? I suppose no one will know until I'm there. Let's just give it a gander.

"I think I'll go to Boston." Or Paris.