Monday, August 14, 2006

Musings on Santa Rosa, and friends...

This weekend was amazing! Based on a decision made about a week ago, I drove up to Santa Rosa, to visit my bestest friend of eternity, Melissa. Some of you readers (I kid myself to think that there are more than, like, 3 people who read this) may have heard of her, and of our friendship that has endured 16 years, a moving away, another moving, college, different schools, and the virtually insurmountable obstacle to childhood friendships that is adolescence. As you can tell, we are quite good friends, and, well, what's great about it is that distances don't really matter, because you just get us together and it's like old times again.

In any case, rediscovering my past like that has lead me to the revelation that all of my friends are such amazing people! I mean, I don't mean to brag, but, let's be honest, my friends are better than yours. (Damn right, they're better than yours. I could teach you, but I'd have to charge.) I mean, take for example the fact that I'm going through all sorts of changes to do with this whole maturing thing, including coming out and a variety of other things. Have I lost a single friend in all the changes? Well, the correct answer, dear reader, would be, no! I have not. And frankly, to have a group of friends that is that amazing is just, well, it's overwhelming. Sometimes it's just whelming, but most of the time, it's overwhelming.

In any case, Santa Rosa is an amazing place. If you've never been, you should definitely check it out. It's like the place where all the hippies went to raise their kids, and for that reason it is, essentially, spectacular! Really laid-back and easy going, like what San Francisco wanted to be before it got all big-city and business-y. So yeah, I had another spectacular weekend. Each one seems to be striving to outdo and outperform the last. I mean, I have trouble believing that I could possibly have a better weekend than this one. But then again, next weekend is THE BIG PARTY!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!!!! WOOOOO!!!!! Alright, yes, well, this is where I leave to go to bed. Goodnight, you beautiful people.


Nick said...

NEVER quote that Kellis ever again.

Hannah said...

glad ur having a fab summer!! and of course your friends are amazing! JK...not.

i miss you a ton! i might be getting skype soon, so u should get it, and then we can talk even a bajillon miles away