Monday, January 15, 2007

Musings of a Procrastinator

So, Paris is amazing. Too amazing, really. It prevents me from doing work, it makes me feel great even when I'm locked in my room trying to finish a 15 page (NOT 30 page thank you very much!) paper. Why do I have a 15 page (NOT 30 page...) paper to finish, you may ask? Well, to put it quite bluntly, and, well, if I were to really tell the truth, precisely because of the sole and undeniable reason that, in actuality, and being completely honest, I was, um, in a sense lazy last quarter too, in a certain sense of the word.

So now I am still procrastinating. I think rather than work on my paper and rather than actually accomplish anything else tonight, I'm going to watch another episode of the 4400 season 2 (once you start watching, it's hard to think of anything else). Needless to say, I'm having a hell of a time this quarter! Being completely unproductive :). Anyway, that is all. Nothing else really new to report. Life in Paris becomes life as usual at some point, just like anywhere else. Reo, out.

P.S. That building that's always under construction on my walk to school (see picture below) is now done! The scaffolding was removed sometime between 9 AM and 7 PM today. It's a miracle! I think this is the sign of good things to come.

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